The Mental and Physical Benefits of Archery

Did you know that archery first became an Olympic sport in 1900? Archery was one of the first Olympic sports that women were allowed to compete in, and they used live pigeons as targets back in the day.

A lot has changed since the 1900s, and now millions of people around the world practice archery. Archery is a sport that uses a bow and arrow to shoot targets.

What are some of the benefits of archery? Keep reading to learn about some of the best physical and mental health benefits of archery.

Increased Exercise

One of the best health benefits of archery is that it allows you to exercise more. Anytime you practice using a bow, you are staying active and burning calories.

Staying active can allow you to live a long life, prevent chronic diseases, and better manage your weight. The CDC recommends you exercise 150 minutes per week, and practicing archery can help you achieve that goal.

Stronger Muscles

Did you know that archery practice can help you build strong muscles? When you draw a bow, you will put a lot of pressure on your upper body and core muscles.

In some cases, you may have to hold your shot until the perfect moment. Using these muscles regularly will build up your strength over time. As you continue practicing archery, drawing your bow will get easier.

Do you want to start building strong muscles by practicing archery? If so, you should check out the best longbows for beginners.

Better Coordination

Another benefit of participating in archery is that it allows you to improve your coordination. Shooting a bow and arrow requires concentration, muscle control, and split-second decision-making.

Because there is so much going on at once, it can be hard at first. As you practice and your archery skills improve, you will have better coordination, which will make practicing archery easier.

More Self-Confidence

If you want to gain more self-confidence, then you should consider practicing archery. When you get good at a sport, it can have a huge impact on your confidence and self-image.

As you start to see progress, you will feel good knowing that you put in the work to improve.

Better Mood

Another one of the best things about archery is that it can improve your mood. If you enjoy practicing archery, you will feel good while practicing. You also will feel good as you make improvements.

While archery is a single-person sport, you will be around other people with the same interests. Playing archery can allow you to make new friends, which can boost your mood.

Do You Want to Enjoy the Benefits of Archery?

Archery is a great sport if you want to exercise more, build stronger muscles, have better coordination, and boost your mood. If you want to enjoy these benefits of archery, you should start practicing.

Did you enjoy learning about the health benefits of archery? If so, check out the sports category to learn more about healthy living.

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About the Author: David Curry