Summer Cycling Tips: How to Stay Cool in Hot Weather

The summer months can be some of the best of the year. Unfortunately, it’s not all sunny skies. The hot and humid weather can really knock you down depending on your fitness level and the amount of heat that is outside.

Summer is no match for you and your favorite clothes, though. Read on for our go-to summer cycling tips for staying cool in hot weather.

Summer Cycling Tips – How to Stay Cool in Hot Weather

With Summer in full swing, mercury is on the rise. This can make spending time on two wheels less enjoyable, but there are some things you can do to make it more bearable. Here are a few tips to help you stay cool when cycling in hot weather:

Wear loose, breathable clothing. Tight cycling clothes will trap heat and sweat, making you even more uncomfortable. Opt for fabrics that wick away moisture and allow your skin to breathe.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. It’s important to stay hydrated when riding in any weather, but especially when it’s hot out. Carry plenty of water and drink often, even if you’re not thirsty.

Ride during cooler times of the day. If possible, avoid riding during the hottest hours of the day. Get out early in the morning or later in the evening when it’s cooler.

Find a shady route. If you must ride during the heat of the day, try to find a route that’s mostly shaded. This will help you avoid direct sunlight and stay cooler.

Slow down when it’s hot out, your body has to work harder to stay cool. This means you’ll get hot easily if you are summer cycling.

Cycling Safety in Summer

As the weather gets warmer, more and more people are hitting the roads on their bikes. While this is great for exercising and enjoying the outdoors, it’s important to be aware of some safety hazards that come with cycling in summer.

The biggest dangers are heat exhaustion and dehydration. Make sure to drink plenty of water and take breaks in the shade if you start to feel overheated. Another hazard is sunburn, always wear sunscreen and cover up exposed skin to avoid being uncomfortable and at risk for skin cancer.

Wind can also be a factor, especially on hot days when thunderstorms are common. Be aware of your surroundings and keep an eye on the forecast so you can be prepared.

With a little bit of caution, summer cycling can be a great way to enjoy the weather and stay active. Stay safe out there!

Want to go cycling and don’t have a bicycle yet? read about fixie bikes and choose which one is best for you.

Exercising in the Heat

When the weather is hot, many people avoid exercising outside. However, there are numerous benefits to exercising in the heat. Hot weather can actually cause your body to burn more calories. In addition, hot weather can improve your circulation and help your muscles to recover more quickly from exercise.

Remember to take it slow at first to acclimate your body to the heat. Apply what you have learned on our cycling tips above and you will surely survive exercising outside.

Stay smart and stay cool in the hot weather this summer. And if you enjoyed reading this post, come check out our blog daily for more articles that you’re sure to love.

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About the Author: David Curry