How to Mentally Recover From a Sports Injury

A sports injury can come as a huge shock and mean big, unexpected, life changes. During this period of adjustment, it’s common for your mental wellness to take a dip. 

If you or a loved one are recovering from an injury and struggling with mental health, fear not. This is how to mentally recover from a sports injury. 

Work With the Experts

For the best chances of physical recovery, work with rehabilitation experts like those offering the sports medicine at They will know how to help you work to regain your physical health. 

But more than that, they will be able to validate your experience. A sports injury can be a huge mental and emotional setback for anyone. They will have seen this time and again, and will be able to normalize what you’re going through. 

They will also be able to share with you realistic goals and success stories, to keep you motivated and positive. 

Forgive Yourself

If you’re an athlete or sportsperson of any level, you’re probably pretty competitive. Whether you’re in a team sport or an independent athlete, you’ll be used to pushing yourself to reach new levels of success.

A sports injury can be a source of frustration, shame, and remorse, which many competitive people struggle to accept. Recovery from sports injury very often focuses on the physical injury, but your mental health is just as important.

Instead of beating yourself up or berating your body for failing you, try to forgive yourself. Regardless of how your injury was sustained, remember that you’re only human. Work with a therapist if possible, to rediscover your healthy mindset toward your body.

Aim to heal your emotional connection to your body, and forgive yourself for what has happened. 

Keep Active for Mental Wellness

If before your injury, your life revolved around exercise, training, and practice, you might have found yourself at a sudden loss of what to do with yourself. It can be very challenging to no longer be able to do what you love. 

Try to see this as an opportunity to discover other passions and other sides of yourself. You may be a fantastic sportsperson, but what if you’re also an excellent cook, designer, or musician?

If sports has been your identity for a long time, this is your opportunity to discover the many other amazing qualities and abilities that make you unique.

Help Others

How did you feel when you were first injured? It was probably a very difficult time, with feelings of isolation, frustration, and maybe even depression. All of which are completely valid responses to a life-changing injury.

If you’re starting to come through the other side and are recovering mentally from the experience, perhaps you can help others.

Support groups, mentorship, even writing a blog to share your journey. These are all great ways to share your experience with others who are struggling. You can help to validate others and help them to heal emotionally, through your experience. 

Look to the Future

If you’re struggling with injury recovering, just know that you’re doing great. You’ve already come a long way, and the future is bright! 

Follow these tips for mental wellness and remember you’re on the right path, and you’re not alone. 

For more inspiring guides and wellness articles, check out our other blog posts.

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About the Author: Paul Petersen