How to Get a Job as a Physical Therapist

Did you know that the occupational and physical therapy market is expected to reach a value of almost $72 billion within the next 6 years?

If you want a cut of the pie while helping people recover from injuries and other issues, then you’ll need to map out your goals. By staying focused and dedicated, there’s no reason you can’t get one of the best physical therapy jobs ever.

Are you wondering what you need to do? Keep reading to learn all about how to get a job as a physical therapist.

Get a Relevant Bachelor’s Degree

Before you get a chance to help clients, you need to start by earning a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field. Majoring in English, for instance, isn’t going to help you reach your physical therapist goals in the long run. Instead, you should spend most of your energy studying anatomy, biology, physiology, and even physics.

All of these fields will help you become the best physical therapist possible.

Obtain a DPT Degree

If you’re passionate about healing people’s sports injuries, then the next step is getting your Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. This is much quicker than if you were to pursue a master’s and then a doctorate. That’s not to say the program is easy, though.

Aside from studying the textbook side of things, you’ll have the opportunity to perform clinical procedures with pretend patients. This will go a long way toward preparing you for the field.

Get Your License

Once you have your bachelor’s degree and DPT degree, you’ll be so close to opening your own sports therapy business. Before that, you’ll still need to pass the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE). There are four times throughout the year when you can take the exam, but be sure to get at least 600 if you want a passing grade.

Once you pass with flying colors, you can start jumping through the hoops to get your official license. Keep in mind that the exact requirements and procedures for getting your license will vary from state to state, so it’s important to look them up. With your license, you can begin applying to any job openings you see, or you could even start your own sports rehab practice.

Be sure to get the highest quality athletic training tables so that you’re prepared for any client who walks through the door.

Are You Ready to Become a Physical Therapist?

Now that you’ve learned all about how to get a job as a physical therapist, you can start turning your dream into a reality. Not only does the job pay well, but it also gives you the opportunity to help people. Your loved ones will certainly be proud of you.

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About the Author: David Curry