How to Become a Professional Athlete

Do you dream of becoming a professional athlete?

Only about one in 250 college athletes go pro after graduation. If you have your heart set on playing for your favorite sports team or competing in the Olympics, there are important things to do now to help you get there.

Here are four steps to take to bring you closer to your goal of becoming a professional sports athlete.

1. Get Serious About Training

Whichever sport you excel at, there’s always room for improvement. Olympians are famous for having intense workout schedules up to six days a week, and you’ll need that level of dedication too.

If you don’t already have one, find a coach that can take you to that next level. They’ll help you to hone your skills and condition for your chosen sport, as well as cross-training sessions to improve your overall endurance and strength.

2. Focus on Building Your Strength

Speaking of strength, this is one factor that sets the average athlete apart from the pros. We’re not just talking about your performance — we’re also talking about your ability to not get hurt.

Avoiding injuries has to be one of your top priorities. Aside from the physical pain and setbacks, there’s also the fear, anxiety, and depression that comes along with an injury (and its impact on your future).

Work with your trainer to identify potential weaknesses. Adjust your workouts to find that balance between strengthening yourself and avoiding injuries from overtraining. This is also the time to get into a good routine of sports massages, physical therapy, and other habits that will keep your body in the best possible shape.

3. Prioritize Your Mental Health

Simone Biles brought mental health for athletes into the spotlight during the Tokyo Olympics. As you’re training towards your goal of becoming a professional athlete, remember that it takes more than just physical prowess to compete at the highest levels.

This means learning to stay calm in the most high-pressure situations and knowing when your body needs to rest. It also involves setting realistic goals for yourself instead of pushing yourself to be “perfect” all the time.

4. Network, Network, Network

Like any future star, you have to put yourself in a position to be discovered. It’s easier than ever to get scouted using apps like Spoxio, which help to connect talented athletes with top trainers and coaches.

If you’re approaching the time to start college, take advantage of recruiters and their connections. Fill out questionnaires, attend elite training camps, and don’t be afraid to reach out to a coach over the phone or in person. The more contacts you have, the more likely your chances of being discovered by the right person at the right time.

Achieve Your Dream of Becoming a Professional Athlete

If you’re talented and passionate about playing sports, you may have what it takes to become a professional athlete. Use the tips above to pursue your dreams and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful sports athlete!

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About the Author: David Curry