Four Benefits of Upgrading Your Playground

Upgrading a commercial playground is a serious undertaking. Thus, you may be wondering why you need to do it. A lot of factors can help you decide why you must undertake the project. Upgrading your playground with Inspire Play playground sets can provide the following benefits:

Improved Inclusivity

The designs and features of playgrounds have changed dramatically to make inclusive play spaces for children, no matter what their abilities are. Playground designers are focused on giving all children equal playing opportunities. If you have aging playground equipment and the current play setup makes some children feel limited, upgrading the space can help improve inclusivity. With inclusive playgrounds, children of different ages and abilities can play in the same space. If you upgrade your playground equipment, children of varying physical and mental capabilities have access to play. 

Improved Playground Safety

Damaged and worn-down playground equipment poses safety risks for any person who uses the space. By upgrading the equipment, all users are protected against possible injury since new equipment comes with well-functioning components. Improved playground safety gives parents, administrators, and caregivers peace of mind while the space is in use. 

Improved Durability

The pieces of equipment used in playgrounds can be made of wood, plastic, or metal. Equipment made of wood requires serious maintenance and preventive measures to maintain its quality and durability. Playground equipment that is degrading or composed of unreliable material may require an upgrade for improved durability. 

These days, playground equipment is often manufactured using commercial-grade plastics and metals. Such materials are made to last, which makes the investment to improve your playground worth it. 

Opportunities to Add New Amenities

Over time, you may realize that you need additional amenities to improve the functionality of your play space and add to the excitement of users. By upgrading your playground, you can add features that may be missing before. For instance, you may need to add new accommodations for parents and caregivers.  

Although children are usually the main audience for playgrounds, their parents and caregivers also spend time on the playground supervising the children or playing with them. Adding a few playground amenities can make the space more welcoming for all guests. Examples of amenities you can add include benches and shade structures. As adults supervise play, they also enjoy and appreciate a space where they can comfortably sit. On sunny days, benches and playground equipment tend to get hot. Thus, you should give shaded areas for adults and children to avoid the sun. 

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About the Author: Paul Petersen